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Why Choose Argos for Your Life Sciences Translations


4 min read

Written by


Argos Multilingual

Published on

27 Aug 2018

Managing languages and international regulatory affairs are among the most critical aspects of developing and marketing products for the global life sciences industry. Any mistake, no matter how minor, can delay product approvals, launches, or cause widespread public relations disasters. We, at Argos, specialize in life sciences translations and medical translations, providing accurate and consistent translation and localization that enable customers to focus on their core competencies.

Specialized Language Resources

Argos’ translators and editors are formally educated native speakers with extensive industry experience and backgrounds in medical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology. With established offices and global linguistic partnerships, Argos ensures success at every stage of your localization project: from regulatory documentation to large user manuals; IFUs and DFUs to marketing communications.

The technical accuracy and consistency of Argos’s linguistic experts are complemented and leveraged by the effective use of language technologies, translation memories, and terminology glossary management systems.

ISO Certified Translation Services

Argos Multilingual offers certified translation services and is an ISO 9001:2015 certified language service provider with robust quality and customer service processes. With stringent processes at every organizational level and project milestone, ISO 9001 certification recognizes Argos’ rigorous linguistic selection process, employee training, customer focused account and project management, and customer service practices. In the eyes of international regulatory bodies, Argos’ ISO 9001 certified processes are equivalent to having an in-house translation department.

Furthermore, we are certified with the following medical and translation industry standards:

  • EN 17100:2015
  • EN ISO 13485:2012
  • ISO 27001:2013

Life Sciences Translations and Medical Translations

Before you can take your medical devices global, strict registration procedures, including severe linguistic and translation criteria must be met. Argos is here to assist you in your medical translation projects and to ensure that your medical translations and medical device translations meet international standards and regulations. 

Pharmaceutical organizations often face complications when registering their drugs in foreign markets. Argos has the knowledge and expertise to support you with your pharmaceutical translations and to help your content meet international requirements. Our focus on quality and accuracy ensures your documentation is managed by our total quality process enabling you to launch globally.

In a pharmaceutical process, the accurate translation of your global clinical trials can be one of the most important parts. Argos has dedicated experts for clinical trial translations who drive a proven process surrounding the centralized management of clinical trial translation. We are here to support you in this process so that you meet your regulatory deadlines.

Life Sciences Enterprise Language Partner

Argos is committed to exceeding customer expectations as your enterprise language partner. Long-term global success in the life sciences industry requires a dynamic language partner—one that establishes technical, organizational, and process standards early. Led by a flexible team of language professionals and localization consultants, Argos optimizes your localization capabilities and empowers you to develop your global markets For more information how Argos can help you with your next translation project, have a look at our life sciences & medical translation services or contact us!

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