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Translators Without Borders Helps Haiti


1 min read

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Argos Multilingual

Published on

16 Feb 2010

Argos Translations; a European translation company, teamed up with Translators Without Borders in an effort to provide free translation services during the relief effort of the Haiti disaster.

On January 12th, Haiti was struck by a catastrophic magnitude 7 earthquake that left millions homeless and the country devastated. The Haitian government sent out a call for medical, financial, engineering and even linguistic support in dealing with the aftereffects of the earthquake. Because Haiti is a relatively small island whose official language is Haitian Creole and French, language translation services are vital in helping the French speaking nation, its regional governments and foreign disaster relief organizations communicate. In order to limit the effects that language barriers can cause, including organizational and logistics problems, delays in medical aid transport and problems with managing international emergency task teams, Translators Without Borders have offered free translation services assistance to Haiti.

Argos Translations became one of many translation companies to volunteer and take part in this relief effort by offering free translation services that make it easier for people around the world to help the people of Haiti. We would like to encourage any translation company, other translators and language service providers to help with this effort. Any professional translation company can assist by providing free document translation, language translation or localization services. If you are a language translation company willing to help, you can do so by visiting Translators Without Borders and signing up.

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